Excitement is building for the upcoming Festival of the Senses, which has become a fall tradition for families and artists alike.
Held on the grounds of the Clinton Township Civic Center, Sept. 24-25, it is truly a delight for all of the senses.
"We have a lot of nice things going on," said Mary Ann Hosey, chairperson for the Festival of the Senses and one of the founding organizers. "If you're browsing for art you can take a break and have something nice to eat and if you bring the kids you'll find plenty of things to keep them amused."
There’s the display of work by more than 100 area artisans, all of it original and unique, and the kind of food that would attract visitors even without the art. Specially-priced lunches will range from $6 to $8. Then there’s the snacks such as kettle corn, honey roasted peanuts, snow cones and of course being a Michigan event, fudge.
Along with the Juried Fine Arts Show, is the performing arts segment of the festival featuring everything from the Big Pappa Blues Band and vocalist Laurie Johnson to Chippewa Valley High School’s drum line and color guard.
“The festival is in a great setting and they really do get the kids involved,” said Nancy Drescher of Clinton Township, a multimedia artist who spent 32 years as a teacher with the Chippewa Valley School District. She enjoyed every minute of her time at Wyandot Middle School, where she earned the Most Outstanding Teacher of the Year: 2008-09 award. What’s nice for Drescher, besides the opportunity to strut her stuff is visiting with her former students, many of whom are either part of the entertainment or volunteering in some aspect.
“This festival has always does a nice job of getting kids involved,” Drescher said. Not to mention providing activities to keep them engaged as well.
Among the many activities planned by members of the Clinton Township Historical Commission, who dress in period garb for the festival, is a blacksmithing and quilt demonstration and several make-and-take workshops.
Remember Bob-Lo Island’s candle-making hut?
The Festival of the Senses will feature a candle-making workshop for kids on both days. They’ll be able to make baskets too.
“It's one of my favorite ones,” Drescher said, of the festival.
The Festival of the Senses takes place on the grounds of the Clinton Township Civic Center, 40700 Romeo Plank Road, just south of Canal. For more information Click here
The Festival of the Senses is Sept. 24-25, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Until then, here are a few other family-friendly events going on in our area:
The Festival of the Senses is Sept. 24-25, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Until then, here are a few other family-friendly events going on in our area:
Ford Arts, Beats, & Eats
The art fair of Ford Arts, Beats & Eats, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. will feature more than 200 performances on ten stages, a highly ranked juried fine arts show along with plenty of great food and international, regional and local attractions.
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If you're a dancer or loved the movie, "Footloose," you know there's a new movie scheduled for release Oct. 14. In celebration of the release promoters will present a "Footloose Dance Contest" to be held at Ford Arts, Beats & Eats. The winner of the contest will receive VIP tickets for a local advance screening for Footloose, $95 in food tickets, two VIP concert passes for the festival and free movies for a year from Emagine Theatres.
The city of Royal Oak will definitely be the premier destination for Labor Day weekend 2011. Admission is $3. Read full festival story here
Blind bowlers
Macomb Blind Bowlers for visually impaired and/or blind individuals 18 and older, league bowling 11:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Wednesdays starting Sept. 7, at Fraser Star Lanes, northeast corner of 14 Mile and Garfield roads. Fee $10 per week. Call (586) 360-9543.
‘We Remember’
Shelby Senior Choir presents “Salute to America: We Remember” program in recognition of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, 1 p.m. Sept. 9, at the Shelby Senior Center. Free. Call (586) 739-7540.
Free Zoo day
Tri-county residents 62 and older admitted free to Detroit Zoo, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 7, on Senior Day. Includes live music, tractor train tours, bingo and senior resource area, along with animal enrichment and zookeeper talks. Call (248) 541-5717 or visit www.detroitzoo.org.
Block Party
Grosse Pointe’s Greatest Block Party, presented by Henry Ford Medical Center Cottage, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sept. 10, noon-5 p.m. Sept. 11, on Kercheval Avenue between Neff and Cadieux roads in the Village area of downtown Grosse Pointe featuring entertainment, car show, sidewalk sales, art fair and “Pooch Parade.” Call (313) 886-7474 or visit www.thevillagegp.com.
Frued's Last Session
Photo by Santa Fabio
Mitch Greenberg (Freud) and Cory Krebsbach (C.S. Lewis) on the set of Freud's Last Session.
The Gem & Century Theatres celebrate two decades of theater with a sparkling series of shows including the Michigan debut of Frued's Last Session. The show runs Sept. 7- Nov. 20. Also premiering and part of the celebratory shows is the new musical Daddy Long Legs running Sept. 14 - Nov. 20, followed by The All Night Strut Holiday Show, Nov. 23- Dec. 31 and the jolly Sister's Christmas Catechism: The Mystery of the Magi's Gold playing simultaneously at the Century Theater from Nov. 23-Dec. 31. A limited number of preview tickets ($10) for opening weeks are available by calling the Gem Theatre box office, (313) 963-9800. For a synopsis of the shows and further information visit the Gem Theatre
Computer club
Sterling Heights Computer Club meeting, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 6, at Macomb Community College South Campus, John Lewis Community Center (Building K), 14500 12 Mile Road, Warren. Visit www.SterlingHeightsComputerClub.org. Annual membership $25.
Square dancing
Patches Squares dance club hosts beginning square dance lessons, 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays starting Sept. 7, at First United Methodist Church of Warren, 5005 Chicago Road. First class (no matter when dancers start) is free, $3 for following sessions. Call (248) 613-3169.
Book sale
Used book sale during Richmond’s Good Old Days, at Richmond Historic Village across from fairgrounds, 1-7 p.m. Sept. 9-11, sponsored by Friends of Lois Wagner Memorial Library. Call (586) 727-2655.
Flea Market
Fraser Historical Commission hosts rummage and plant sale flea market, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 11, at Baumgartner Museum, 18577 Masonic at Kelly, Fraser. Ran date Sept. 18.
GM Chorus
General Motors Employees Chorus first rehearsal for new season, 6:45 p.m. Sept. 12, at Lincoln High School, 22900 Federal, near Nine Mile Road and Van Dyke, Warren. Chorus open to those 18 and older, GM employment not required; new members accepted at first three rehearsals. For details, call (586) 412-3871 or information@gmchorus.com.
Bach Festival
Lexington Arts Council hosts 12th Annual Bach Festival, starts Sept. 11, with patriotic classics at First Congregational Church of Port Huron, continues at noon Sept. 15, with free concert at St. Clair Community College, with programs concluding Sept. 18. For ticket and schedule information, www.lexarts.com or (810) 359-5120.
‘Spotlights Market’
Meadow Brook Theatre Guild hosts 21st Annual Spotlights Market, a juried art and gift show, 4-7:30 p.. Sept. 9, 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Sept. 10, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 11, at Walnut and Fourth streets, downtown Rochester.
Chorale auditions
Madison Chorale auditions the evening of Sept. 6, at Wilkinson Middle School, 26524 John R, south of 11 Mile Road, Madison Heights, for the September-December season. To schedule an appointment, (248) 229-4055. Also, open rehearsal for all interested singers 7:30 p.m. Sept. 13, at the same location.
Garden Walk
Walnut Grove Farms hosts free Country Garden Walk, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 10, at 63711 Bates Road, Lenox, includes special tribute garden dedicated to 10th anniversary of 9/11. Call (586) 749-5722.
Art Party
Mardi Gras theme for 20th Annual Art Party, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Sept. 22, on Macomb Place in downtown Mount Clemens, to benefit Anton Art Center. Includes more than 30 food and drink stations, entertainment and auctions. Tickets, $50 by Sept. 18, $60 after or at the door, available at (586) 469-8666 or www.theartcenter.org.
Discovery Cruises
Summer Discovery Cruises explore Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair Flats, departing from Metro Beach Metropark; 13 different educational cruises around such themes as fisheries, wildlife, wetlands, shipwrecks, lighthouses, weather and shipping. Selected times and dates through Sept. 10; fees for 2-1/2 cruises $20 adults, $10 ages 6-17, for longer cruises, $25 adults, $15 ages 6-17. Vehicle entry permit, daily or annual, required for Metropark entry. Visit www.metroparks.com or call (800) 47-
UniverSoul Circus
UniverSoul Circus at Chene Park in Detroit, Sept. 8-18, including dancing, singing, circus artistry. Tickets, $12-$28, at www.ticketmaster.com or (800) 745-3000.
Community theater
“Love, Sex and the IRS” presented by Ridgedale Players Theatre, weekends Sept. 9-25, at the theater, 205 W. Long Lake Road, Troy. Tickets, $15 adults, $13 seniors and students; call (248) 988-7049.
“Never Too Late,” presented by Rodgerland Productions and Sterling Heights Lions Club, Saturdays, Sept. 10-Oct. 22, at Lions Club, 12828 Canal Road, west of Schoenherr. Buffet at 6:30 p.m., show follows; tickets $25 including tax and tip. For reservations, (586) 776-9844.
Village Players present the musical “Follies,” 8 p.m. Sept. 16-17, 23-24, 30, Oct. 1, and 2 p.m. Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, at the Playhouse, 34660 Woodward, south of Maple, Birmingham. Tickets $19. For information, (248) 644-2075 or www.birminghamvillageplayers.com.
Broadway Onstage continues season with the comedy “Love Song,” 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. select Sundays, Sept. 9-Oct. 8, at the theater, 21517 Kelly Road at Toepfer, Eastpointe. Sept. 9 tickets, $14; all other performances, $16. Call (586) 771-6333.
Handlebars for Homeless
Neighborhood Service Organization hosts Fifth Annual RiverRun and Walk, Sept. 10; registration 7 a.m., Handlebars for Homeless 13-15-mile bike tour 8 a.m., run/walk 9 a.m., starting and ending at Rivard Plaza on Detroit’s RiverWalk. Registration $25 until Sept. 2, $30 after and day of event. Call (313) 961-4890 ext. 1069 or 1031 or Neighborhood Service Organization
Fishing clubs
Vanguard Trout Unlimited for fishing enthusiasts meets 7:30 p.m. second Thursday monthly at Rochester’s Dinosaur Hill. Also, Fishing Buddies Fishing Club gathers 6:30 p.m. third Tuesdays at Rochester Hills OPC, 650 Leticia Drive. Call (248) 375-1931.
Twilight Tuesdays
Self-guided tour of Meadow Brook Hall or landscape and architecture tour of the grounds during “Twilight Tuesday” 6-9 p.m. Sept. 20, at the historic Rochester hall, with music. Admission $10 adults, free ages 12 and younger; reservations not required. For details, (248) 364-6263 or www.meadowbrookhall.org.

Dance Gala
Dance Theatre photo by Eduardo Patino
New Bach duet featuring Tanya Wideman and Donald Williams.
“Dance Theatre of Harlem: 40 Years of First” gala, 7 p.m. Sept. 9, at Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, 315 E. Warren Ave., Detroit. For tickets, (313) 494-5800 or Charles H. Wright Museum
House Tour
The Community House presents, 2011 Birmingham House Tour, Thursday, Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eight fabulous homes will be featured in the tour along with an optional lunch buffet and a complimentary informal tea the Community House, 380 South Bates, Birmingham. Tickets: $30 for tour and tea/$35 day of tour; $45 for tour, tea and lunch in advance; $50 day of tour. For more information and to register visit The Community House
Senior club
2nd Horizon Club for ages 60 and older, meets noon Fridays at Mount Clemens Rec Center, 300 Groesbeck, light lunch, cards and socializing. For details, (586) 463-7711. No fee to join.
Farmers Market
Mount Clemens Farmers Market open 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Nov. 19, at 141 North River Road. Locally grown products, including flowers. Visit www.mountclemensfarmersmarket.com.
Artists Association
Grosse Pointe Artists Association 73rd Annual Members Show, Sept. 9-Oct. 22, at 16900 Kercheval Ave., Grosse Pointe. Opening reception 6:30-9 p.m. Sept. 9. Call (313) 821-1848.
Volunteers needed
* Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Macomb needs educational support volunteers in county elementary schools and Head Start programs during 2011-12 school year. Also, opportunities for tutoring adults through Macomb Adult Literacy. For details, contact RSVP of Macomb, (586) 756-1430 or rsvp@csmacomb.org.
* Macomb Literary Partners needs volunteers to help adults become better readers; applicants trained to tutor an adult 2 hours per week, with training sessions held on weekends or evenings. Call (586) 286-2750.
* Detroit Historical Guild seeking volunteers interested in participating in historical activities, including flea markets at Historic Fort Wayne, tea parties, excursions to historic sites, etc. Call (586) 777-5898.
Features editor Debbie Komar contributed to this list.
Features editor Debbie Komar contributed to this list.
The arts are the rainforests of society. They produce the oxygen of freedom and they are the early warning system when freedom is in danger -- June Wayne
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